Tommarow ( Jun 30th ) is Padma Ekadesi which falls on fortnight of the month of Asahdha, between Jun - July period. This is also very important day as this indicates the beginning of Chaturmasya.
The term Chaturmasya means four months. The term Chaturmasya Vrata is a Vrata to be observed for a period of four months. But according to the Vedic dictum one ‘paksha’ or a fortnight is taken as one month, and traditionally the Vrata is observed only for two months.
In an year, the 6 months beginning from Ashadha are called Dakshinayana. 6 months beginning from Pushya are termed as Uttarayana. This period of one year for human beings is equivalent to 1 whole day(day/night) for the celestials (Devas). Pushya to Ashadha is the day and Ashadha to Pushya is the night for the Devas.
Deva-sayani, or Vishu-sayani, indicates the day when Lord Vishu goes to sleep with all the devas (demigods). It is said that after this day one should not perform any new auspicious ceremonies until Devotthani Ekadasi (Haribodhini (Probodhini) Devotthāni (Utthana) Ekadasi), which occurs during the month of Kartika (October - November), because the devas (demigods), being asleep, cannot be invited to the sacrificial arena and because the Sun is traveling along its Southern course (Dakshinayanam).
[ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணார்ப்பணம் ]